Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Healthy eating guide when shopping

This is a basic healthy eating guide for you to follow.Healthy eating starts with
the choices you make when shopping.You have so much choice available to eat
healthy foods.This guide will help you develop a strategy against all the
temptation that await you in a supermarket.You will always find tantalizing
sights and smells and unmissable offers to distract you in a supermarket.
Follow these healthy eating guides when you do your shopping.

1. Plan your shopping in advance.Meal planning is a effective way to manage
your eating habits.Write your shopping list before you go and stick to it.
2. You should eat before you go,you are less likely to find yourself buying
biscuits and pastries.
3. Start with fresh fruits and vegetables,they are full of nutrients,load up when
you enter the shop.
4. Shop the perimeter most shops you will find that all their healthy eating
products like fruit and vegetables around their perimeter.You will also find
other products like bread,dairy products,meat,poultry and fish around the
perimeter. You mainly want those food groups so shop the perimeter first,
go down the other aisles after if you need to.
5. Avoid impulse buying supermarkets are designed to take advantage of
impulse buyers.Avoid these distractions by sticking to your shopping list.
6. A healthy eating guide is to read food labels to compare products,pay special
attention to calories look at the total saturated fat content.Compare figures per
100g or 100ml not per serving or portion size as serving sizes vary.
7. A good idea is to shop on the internet, this is a great way of avoiding the
temptations in the supermarket like impulse buying of unhealthy products.

To find out more click on the link below.

1 comment:

Mansi said...

thanks for stopping by my site and leaving a comment! hope to see you more often:)
