Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Healthy eating guide when shopping

This is a basic healthy eating guide for you to follow.Healthy eating starts with
the choices you make when shopping.You have so much choice available to eat
healthy foods.This guide will help you develop a strategy against all the
temptation that await you in a supermarket.You will always find tantalizing
sights and smells and unmissable offers to distract you in a supermarket.
Follow these healthy eating guides when you do your shopping.

1. Plan your shopping in advance.Meal planning is a effective way to manage
your eating habits.Write your shopping list before you go and stick to it.
2. You should eat before you go,you are less likely to find yourself buying
biscuits and pastries.
3. Start with fresh fruits and vegetables,they are full of nutrients,load up when
you enter the shop.
4. Shop the perimeter most shops you will find that all their healthy eating
products like fruit and vegetables around their perimeter.You will also find
other products like bread,dairy products,meat,poultry and fish around the
perimeter. You mainly want those food groups so shop the perimeter first,
go down the other aisles after if you need to.
5. Avoid impulse buying supermarkets are designed to take advantage of
impulse buyers.Avoid these distractions by sticking to your shopping list.
6. A healthy eating guide is to read food labels to compare products,pay special
attention to calories look at the total saturated fat content.Compare figures per
100g or 100ml not per serving or portion size as serving sizes vary.
7. A good idea is to shop on the internet, this is a great way of avoiding the
temptations in the supermarket like impulse buying of unhealthy products.

To find out more click on the link below.

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Healthy eating tips

Healthy eating tips for fish

Eating fish is a great source for getting protein.It is also lower in saturated
fat than, poultry or meat.You should have a variety of fish, include fatty fish
at least once a week. Here is a list of fatty fish that you can choose from.

albacore tuna
lake trout

You will find that some varieties of shellfish, such as shrimps, have more cholesterol
than other types of fish, but Shrimps contain less saturated fat than meat or poultry.
The best healthy way of cooking fish is to bake,broil,grill or poach instead of frying.

Healthy tips for eating meat

Meats provide nutrients and protein for you which are important,but they also
contain saturated fats and cholesterol.That's why you should include meat in your
diet, but sparingly.

Healthy eating tips for meat

1. Choose lean cuts of meat, have a small portion 3 ounces.
2. When shopping for beef look for the round or loin cuts as they are the leanest.
3. Look for at least 90 percent lean on the label.
4. Avoid or reduce the amount of luncheon meats and other high-fat processed
meats that you eat.
5. Have organ meats like liver and kidneys less frequently.
6. When preparing meat trim visible fat.
7. Instead of frying bake,broil,roast or grill the meat.

To find out more click on the link below.

Monday, 25 February 2008

Healthy eating plan for children

Healthy eating plan for children

What you bring into the home is important.Stock up on healthy foods,
they will eat what ever is available in the home especially the
young ones.

A good healthy eating plan for children

1. Start to get fresh fruit and vegetables into there daily routine.
Make sure you serve fruit or vegetables at every meal.
Five servings a day is your plan for your children.
2. Serve lean meats and other sources of protein.Good proteins to
have are fish, beans,nuts and eggs.
3. Get your children eating whole-grain breads and cereals.
This is a good source of fibre for them.
4. A healthy eating idea is to limit there fat intake,so avoid
deep-fried foods.Choose to grill, roast or steam instead.Have low-fat
dairy products.
5. Your children can have fast food or low-nutrient snacks, but limit
this to once a week.
6. Avoid giving sugary drinks such as coke or soda.Serve low-fat milk
or water instead.
7. Make it easy for them to choose fruits and vegetables by having
them close to hand.Other snacks that are good include low-fat yogurt,
peanut butter,celery and whole-grain crackers and cheese.

To find out more click on the link below.

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Eating healthy in resturants

When you are planning to go out for a meal.You dont want to lose sight
of your healthy eating habits.

Healthy eating ideas in resturants.
Ordering starters

1. As a starter eat a salad,or two starters as a main dish.You could also
consider sharing a starter.
2. A soup is a good healthy eating option.The best ones to go for would
be a low-fat high-fibre one.A soup you should choose is vegetable or
lentil soup.
Avoid a creamy or smooth soup.
3. It is best to avoid deep-fried starters they are high in fat and calories.
4. A healthy eating salad to have would be one without grated cheese,
fried croutons or special dressings,such as caesar dressing.
5. A salad as a starter is healthy,but ask for the dressing to be served
separately.This is a good idea so you can control the amount you put

Healthy eating main dishes
This is a opportunity to try foods you dont cook yourself.

1. Have baked,grilled or roast poultry breast.Fish or shellfish are also
2. Go for tomatoe-based pasta sauces dont have cheese or meat-based
3. Have the smallest portion of meat, or you could share.If you are
hungry a healthy eating option would be to have more vegetables or go
for more salad.
4. Select salsa, horseradish,lemon or lime juice, or mustard instead of
rich high-fat condiments such as mayonnaise or soured cream.

Healthy eating deserts

1. A good desert to have is a fruit salad or fresh berries they are packed
with vitamins.Have it without cream you will be able to savour the true
taste of the fruit.
Plus it is a healthy eating idea that will benefit you.
2. Dont have fruit pies or tarts pastry is high in fat.
3. Dont have ice cream a healthier eating option would be for you to
have a sorbet instead.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

The reasons why healthy eating is important

What food you eat is critical in determining your current and future health.
This is a starting point for improving your health and changing your life for
the better.

Healthy eating what the benefits are?

Every week that goes by more proof emerges that shows healthy eating and
regular exercise helps stop cardiovascular disease's such as diabetes,
osteoporosis and cancer.
If you have healthy eating through out your life you are more likely to remain
disease free.Than the people whose diet is high in artery-clogging fat and low
in nutrients.
What healthy eating will help treat is health related problems. People are still
eating more fat than is healthy for them.This is resulting in a rise in obesity.
The more weight we gain the risk of cardiovascular disease rises.We need to
reduce our fat intake and also we need to exercise to reduce the risk.
If you are over weight and start to loose weight your life expectancy goes up.
You should eat foods that give you maximum nutritional benefits for the

Healthy eating choices at any stage in life can help prevent and in many cases
treat existing disorders.

Healthy eating ideas you should action now?

Eating a varied diet is based on having a wide range of nutritious ingredients.

Planing your meals is a good way to ensure you eat a healthy well balanced

Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables everyday.

Cut back on the amount of fat you eat especially saturated fats, use
polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats instead.

Choose foods rich in soluble fibre such as oats, peas, lentils, pulses and

Meals or snacks should be based around wholegrains including wholegrain
bread, brown rice and wholegrain pasta.These are low in fat and high in fibre
which will fill you up.

Have fish regular aim to eat two servings of fish a week.The more fish you
eat the better for you, one of these portions should be oil-rich fish.

When you buy meat you should choose lean cuts of meat and poultry.

You need to reduce your sodium intake use fresh herbs or ground spices
instead of salt to add flavour to your food.

Aim to drink or eat two servings of low fat dairy foods a day, such as low fat
yogurt and skimmed milk.

Have six to eight glasses of water everyday.

Think carefully about your eating habits and behaviours.This will help
pinpoint areas where you could make changes.

Healthy eating ideas you should think about and aim for.

Dont eat food on the run sit down.Eat your meals at the table with your
family this will prevent digestive problems.

Have healthy foods in small portions.When you are full stop eating you
dont have to finish everythink.

When you have snacks eat healthy foods such as fruit, nuts or seeds.
Eat less junk food and sweets.

Eat less fast food once or twice a week maxium.When you do eat these foods
include healthier options.

If you do love cakes and sweets and find it difficult to eliminate them from
your diet.Choose low fat versions and have small portions.

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Healthy Eating Ideas

Welcome to Healthy eating ideas the website that you gives free healthy eating ideas on what what to have and much, much more.I am sure you will enjoy the Healthy eating ideas today and whenever you visit the home of healthy eating ideas.