Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Healthy eating place

Hello everyone

A good site to visit is this one, here is there latest post.
Just click on the link below to find out more.

Shopping for Protein
Protein helps with your weight loss because it helps keep you feeling satisfied after you eat. With such a wide variety of protein options you want to make sure you choose wisely. You want to look for low-fat or lean options to help you stay within your daily needs.
Here are some suggestions for when you are shopping for your protein:
Poultry (chicken, turkey, etc.) should be skinless.
Meats should be lean cuts such as: round top, sirloin and tenderloin.
Fish should be fresh and look for types that are high in omega-3s such as wild salmon.
Eggs, nuts and seeds are also good protein options.
Canned beans are an easy protein to keep on hand and can be added to salads and soups.
Tofu and soy products, such as veggie burgers and soy crumbles, are good vegetarian proteins.
Most importantly with protein is to be aware of your serving size. The serving size for most proteins is 3 ounces which is approximately the size of a deck of cards. Use a kitchen scale, to measure the cooked weight to help you with portion control.
Posted by Dana Lilienthal